Implicit Bias Training

Found this free online course on implicit bias on LinkedIn! It is short, clear, and focused on understanding how common biases show up in hiring and how we can work together to mitigate them.

I’ve also pooled together a few extra readings here:

  1. What is Implicit/Unconscious Bias?
  2. Learn about the different types of implicit / unconscious bias
  3. Unconscious Bias: Stereotypical hiring practices?
  4. How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias
  5. Overcome Unconscious Bias in Job Interviewing
  6. Bias-Free Hiring Guide

Managing Complex Change

Managing Complex Change
  • Vision – Form a strategic vision for the project.  Link strategic outcomes with key initiatives.  Share the vision freely and make sure everyone in your project team is capable of explaining the desired state.
  • Skills – This variable is not a direct match with the Kotter model but it makes sense to me.  It is important to make investments in the people who will help bring and sustain the change.
  • Incentives – It’s time to resist the do more with less mentality.  In my opinion, we’ve permitted the pendulum to swing too far on this topic.  Work needs to be prioritized and key change initiatives need to be incentivized.  This doesn’t necessarily have to mean direct compensation.  It might mean recognizing people that take the risk change when change is unpopular or difficult.  Sometimes the only incentive necessary is an explanation of how the project will improve the lives of customers, or patients, or staff.
  • Resources – Enable action by equipping with the tools to do their job and remove obstacles.  This would be one of the first questions I’d ask to my change team – what do you need to be successful?
  • Action Plan – Keep it simple.  Make sure it’s always updated and easily accessible.  Finally, make sure people understand there is only one plan and who is accountable for its success.  Usually there is one project owner – they are ultimately accountable for the project’s success.  There are also multiple contributors to a project – they too are accountable for their contribution.